Standing Committees

OCUL Standing Committees work together to maximize collective expertise and resources. Each OCUL Committee has an established mandate and membership drawn from the libraries of OCUL member institutions.

Financial Management Advisory Committee (OCUL-FMAC)

OCUL-FMAC advises the Treasurer on the review of financial practices, policies and procedures, and the development of documentation for OCUL budgetary and financial practices.

Scholars Portal Operations and Development Committee (OCUL-SPOD)

OCUL-SPOD works with the Scholars Portal Director and the University of Toronto Libraries (as Scholars Portal's service provider) to establish priorities, make recommendations, and identify opportunities related to Scholars Portal initiatives, activities, and services. The OCUL Scholars Portal Subcommittee (OCUL-SP) functions under the guidance of OCUL-SPOD.

Information Resources Committee (OCUL-IR)

OCUL-IR advances OCUL’s strategic plan by acting as a catalyst for information resources initiatives which generate ideas and implement both one-time projects and ongoing strategies.

Collaborative Futures Steering Committee (OCUL-CFSC)

OCUL-CFSC provides operational oversight and management of Collaborative Futures and ensures coordination of its subcommittees and working groups. OCUL-CFSC has decision-making responsibility for Library Services Platform procurement recommendations, proposed memoranda of agreement, and any policies or other matters that have binding obligations (financial, legal or operational) for participating institutions. 

Truth and Reconciliation Committee (OCUL-TR)

OCUL-TR, in consultation with key stakeholders, serves to identify potential strategies and initiatives that will support collective and individual OCUL member responses to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and Universities Canada’s 13 Principles on Indigenous Education.