OCUL Information Resources Committee (OCUL-IR)
OCUL-IR advances OCUL’s strategic plan by acting as a catalyst for information resources (IR) initiatives which generate ideas and implement both one-time projects and ongoing strategies.
- Supports the development and management of IR at the consortia and local institutional level. Activities include the following:
- Initiate, assess and select online information resources, which provide excellent financial value for members.
- Collaborate to share staff expertise and leverage collective resources in negotiating and licensing electronic resources.
- Analyze the impact and value of IR collections on faculty and students’ teaching and research.
- Collaborate with Scholars Portal staff to establish tools, best practices and policies to support the licensing, local loading, and use of electronic resources.
- Serve as an information forum to share, promote and act on:
- issues in digital publishing
- best practices for licensing electronic resources
- managing print and electronic collections at both the consortium and institutional levels
- incorporating electronic resources into an integrated virtual research environment
- Engages colleagues within OCUL, and with external partners and vendors, on issues relating to academic collections and scholarly communication.
- Provides a forum for discussion on broad collection-related issues in academic and scholarly publishing.
Download the OCUL-IR terms of reference
One official member from each OCUL member institution, with no fixed term, plus Scholars Portal Associate Director (or designate).
- Harriet Rykse (Western University) - Chair, 2023-2025
- Lisl Schoner-Saunders (Algoma University) - on leave to fall 2023
- Alicia Zorzetto (Brock University)
- Sally Sax (Carleton University)
- Paul St. Pierre (University of Guelph)
- Alaa El-Talmas (Lakehead University)
- Dan Scott (Laurentian University)
- Janice Adlington, (McMaster University)
- Rebecca Kasperavicius (Nipissing University)
- Susan Kun (OCAD University)
- Jeffrey Bennett (Ontario Tech University)
- Monica Ward (University of Ottawa)
- Ian Robson (Queen's University)
- Lisa Bechard (Royal Military College of Canada)
- Coralee Leroux (Trent University)
- Weijing Yuan (University of Toronto)
- Lei Jin (Toronto Metropolitan University)
- Sarah Hersh (Toronto Metropolitan University)
- David Gall (University of Waterloo)
- Lauren R Byl (University of Waterloo)
- Elizabeth Mantz (Western University)
- Matt Thomas (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Roger Reka (University of Windsor)
- Aaron Lupton (York University)
- Leigh Jackson (York University)
- Jacqueline Whyte Appleby (Scholars Portal)
Ex officio:
Amy Greenberg - OCUL Executive Director
Christa Foley - OCUL Assistant Director, Information Resources and Collections
Established 1999
- Collections Subcommittee
- Collections Assessment & Evaluation Subcommittee
- Licensing & Local Load Subcommittee
- OCUL Health Resources Subcommittee
- Strategic Planning Subcommittee
Previous Subcommittees
- Collections Subcommittee (pre-2016)
- Ebooks Subcommittee
- Eresources Payment Processes Subcommittee
- OCUL Usage Rights (OUR) Subcommittee
- Thunder Bay Agreement Subcommittee