OCUL Resource Sharing Community
The OCUL Resource Sharing Community is an ongoing community that brings together OCUL members who have roles in supporting resource sharing (interlibrary loan, or ILL) activity within OCUL as well as in the national and global context. The Community works together to promote resource sharing services in academic libraries by formulating policies and procedures, by advancing and supporting emerging trends (e.g. interlibrary loan of e-material) and by addressing relevant copyright, licensing and delivery issues.
This Community is a consolidation of the previous OCUL VDX users group, which was created with the introduction of RACER (Rapid Access to Collections by Electronic Requesting) in 2003 and of the earlier OCUL ILL group.
The Resource Sharing Community was establilshed in 2013.
Community Moderators
- Colleen MacKinnon, Brock University (cmackinnon [at] brocku.ca
) - Crystal Mills, McMaster University (crystal.mills [at] mcmaster.ca
More Information
Visit the Resource Sharing Community wiki space (SPOTDocs login required)