The OCUL constitution and bylaws outline the rules and regulations that govern the consortium.
Article I. | Name The name of this body shall be "The Ontario Council of University Libraries/Conseil des bibliotheques universitaires de l'Ontario" herein referred to as the Council or OCUL. |
Article II. | Purpose The purpose of the Council shall be:
Article III. | Membership The membership of the Council shall consist of the library directors of COU institutional members (as voting members) and associated universities (as non-voting members). |
Article IV. | Powers The Council shall have power to establish its own Bylaws and to appoint committees or task forces in order to fulfil its purposes. |
Article V. | Bylaws Bylaws may be adopted, amended, suspended or rescinded by a two-thirds majority of members of the Council present and voting at any meeting at which at least two thirds of the members are in attendance. |
Article VI. | Amendments This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of members of the Council present and voting at any meeting, provided that written notice of the proposed change or substance thereof be sent to the entire membership not less than ten days prior to the date of the meeting and that at least two-thirds of the members are in attendance. |
Article I. | Officers – Executive Committee
The Secretary and Treasurer terms are staggered. |
Article II. | Duties of the Officers Chair |
Article III. | Meetings Meetings shall be called by the Chair or the Executive Committee in the spring and the fall of each year, at other times as required, or upon the written request of six members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. The spring meeting shall be the annual meeting. |
Article IV. | Attendance All voting members of Council are expected to attend meetings. Non-voting members are invited to attend meetings. It is recognized that Council members may be unable to attend meetings due to conflicts with other commitments or unforeseen circumstances. Any member of the Council who is unable to attend a meeting may delegate a member of their library staff to attend. For a delegate representing a voting member, the delegate may vote during the absence of the member but not act as an executive officer. |
Article V. | Quorum A majority of the members of Council or their delegates shall constitute a quorum for any meeting. |
Article VI. | Elections The election of officers shall take place at the annual meeting. Only voting Council members are eligible for nomination and election. A Nominating Committee, consisting of the current Vice-Chair, as chair, and two other members selected at the previous meeting of Council, shall present a slate of nominees reflecting the various regions and sizes of institutions. If there is more than one nomination for an office, the meeting shall agree on election rules before voting. No one shall be nominated without their consent. |
Article VII. | Replacements An officer, except the Chair, who finds it necessary to relinquish office (through retirement, resignation, or otherwise) shall be replaced by a successor elected for the un-expired term. An electronic vote may be conducted, if necessary, by the Secretary or by the Chair if it is the post of Secretary that becomes vacant. |
Article VIII. | Voting The Chair may vote. |
Article IX. | Conduct The members of Council shall perform their functions and duties in a conscientious manner that is respectful of different perspectives and lived experiences among the membership and sensitive to the impact their communications and behaviours have on others. Members communicate and work with each other in an open and honest manner, while promoting a spirit of collaboration by listening to and respecting opinions that may differ. |
Article X. | Rules The functions of Council and the conduct of its members shall be governed by the regulations:
Article XI. | Executive Director There shall be an Executive Director, appointed by OCUL, who shall report to the Chair of OCUL. The Executive Director shall serve as manager of OCUL affairs, including the OCUL office. The Executive Director shall attend the meetings of the OCUL Council and Executive Committee. |
Download OCUL Constitution and Bylaws (PDF)
Last amended and approved – OCUL Meeting, 2024-12-03