Access and User Services Community

The OCUL Access and User Services (AUS) Community brings together OCUL members who are Department Heads, supervisors/coordinators or have leadership roles encompassing what is commonly referred to as Access Services or User Services. This typically includes oversight of the library’s physical spaces, circulation, course reserves, and the management of staff integrally involved in these activities. AUS builds a community to learn from one another, create efficiencies, develop best practices, and anticipate trends in access and user services. 

The AUS Community was established in 2022.

Community Moderators

  • Dave Johnston, University of Windsor (djohnst [at]
  • Robin Sakowski, University of Guelph (rsakowsk [at]
  • Douglas Ottney, Queen's University (doug.ottney [at]
  • Michelle Goodridge, Wilfrid Laurier University (mgoodridge [at]

More Information

Visit the AUS Community wiki space (SPOTDocs login required)