Friday, December 7th, 2018
Snell Hall – St. James Cathedral Centre
65 Church Street, Toronto
Diversity, accessibility, and equity are more than buzzwords: as public institutions, they should be the cornerstones of all that we do. This year, the theme for Scholars Portal Day is Investing in Inclusiveness. Join the conversation about how we can sustainably design and build our services, collections, and spaces, both digital and in-person, with inclusion at the core.
For more information as it becomes available visit:
Who should attend?
Any staff at OCUL member libraries are welcome to attend.
Please contact your Scholars Portal representative to express interest in attending. Registration will close on Friday, November 9.
Submit a lightning talk
We encourage anyone at an OCUL library to submit a proposal for a 5-7 minute lightning talk about an initiative, project, service, or other activity at your institution related to inclusiveness by filling out this form by 10AM on Monday, October 29:
Scholars Portal Day will also be streamed live and recorded for those who are unable to attend in person.
For more information contact