Currents of Change
Online EventThursday, May 12 - Friday, May 13, 2022
The Scholars Portal Journals platform first launched as an OCUL service in 2002. In the intervening two decades, the landscapes of collections, scholarly publishing, library technology, and consortial collaboration have all evolved significantly. For this year’s Scholars Portal Days, we would like to explore the current environment, the currents of change that brought us to where we are today, and those that are pulling us ever forward. How do our current realities stack up against the visions, or the fears, of the past? What new and unexpected challenges or triumphs have arisen in our present? How can we prepare ourselves for the future when the pace of change is too rapid for us to predict what the landscape will look like in another twenty years?
Save the Date! To prevent Zoom fatigue, we’re spreading our agenda over two partial days. Join us on May 12 and 13 to hear updates from Scholars Portal and connect with colleagues from across the province! More details on registration and a call for lightning talks to follow.