ROAM, or the Report on Accessible Media was a research study on accessible media delivery at Ontario universities. Commissioned by OCUL, the study will identified a range of service options available to Ontario’s university libraries to ensure fair and equitable access to video collections held at university libraries across the province. The ROAM report was released in 2015.
ROAM aimed to:

  • provide a detailed analysis of potential costs and benefits of a variety of approaches to video captioning and delivery of accessible media educational materials
  • provide clarity on sharing video captioning under Canadian law
  • assist Ontario Universities in becoming AODA compliant and serving students and faculty most effectively

The final report included:

  • an environmental scan including current practices, legal framework and future trends
  • technology workflows and methodologies
  • questions and some answers for libraries about accessible media provision
  • options for libraries to provide accessible collections
  • a directory of commercial and crowd-sourced services specializing in accessible media production
  • best practices and suggested resources


Full Report

English (PDF) Français (PDF)

Additional Documents

Appendix D: Directory of Service Providers  and Appendix F: Best Practices from version 1.0 of the Report on Accessible Media are available for individual download. These documents are intended as references and information contained within is up to date at the time of publishing, February 3, 2015. Page numbering from the original report has been maintained.

Directory of Service Providers (PDF) - English
Répertoire des fournisseurs de service et liste de logiciels (PDF) - Français
Best Practices (PDF) - English
Pratiques exemplaires (PDF) - Français

If you would like to receive any of these documents in a different format please contact us at ocul [at]


Acknowledgements: ROAM is produced by the Ontario Council of University Libraries with support from the Government of Ontario.