OCUL Accessibility Community
OCUL Accessibility Community provides a forum for information-sharing and discussion on accessibility issues. This Community supports OCUL partner institutions in their efforts to create accessible and inclusive collections, services, research tools, physical spaces and programming for all library users.
The formation of an OCUL Accessibility Community advances many of the goals outlined in OCUL’s Strategic Plan. In particular, this Community supports goals pertaining to student engagement, enhanced learning for diverse student populations and access to digital library resources.
This Community was established in 2014.
Community Moderators
- Carli Agostino, Carleton University (carli.agostino [at] carleton.ca)
- Megan McMeekin, University of Ottawa (megan.mcmeekin [at] uottawa.ca)
- Mark Weiler, Wilfrid Laurier University (mweiler [at] wlu.ca)
More Information
Visit the Accessibility Community wiki space (SPOTDocs login required)