New Feature on Scholars Portal Journals: Unpaywall Linking

  • Posted on: 10 February 2020
  • By: Sabina

Scholars Portal is pleased to announce the addition of unpaywall linking to the Scholars Portal Journals platform.
Unpaywall is a service that connects article DOIs to fulltext, Open Access versions of those articles from OA journals as well as pre-print repositories.
The Journals team at Scholars Portal has worked to integrate this functionality into our platform. As of today, when a user lands on an article on Scholars Portal Journals that they are not entitled to, but with a DOI match within the unpaywall database, they will be directed to that version of the article.
This integration will help our users can connect to as much scholarly content as possible, ensuring that they have access to the research articles that they need.
For more on unpaywall, see:
To try this new feature, visit Scholars Portal Journals: