MarkIt! Student Metadata Program - 2012/13 Award Announcement

  • Posted on: 2 May 2012
  • By: Bart

OCUL is pleased to announce the 2012-13 round of funding for MarkIt!, the <odesi> student markup program.

The program supports the hiring of students to mark up statistical datasets, using the DDI metadata standard, for inclusion in <odesi>. In response to a call for applications circulated in March 2012, OCUL has selected the following institutions to participate in the program from May 2012 to April 2013:

Carleton University
McMaster University
University of Ottawa
Queens University
Ryerson University
University of Toronto

OCUL would like to congratulate the successful applicants, and to thank the all institutions that have participated in the program to date: Carleton University, the University of Guelph, McMaster University, the University of Ottawa, Queens University, and the University of Toronto. Thanks also to Carleton University and Queens University, which continue to contribute markup in-kind, in addition to any MarkIt! funds received.

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